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Friday, 26 February 2010

Get Free Traffic To Your Website Now

Hey peeps. Back again to show you one way of getting free traffic to your website or blog. Trafficswarm is a new site where you basically sign up, insert your website or blog URL, surf other sites for credits and then the visitors flock to your site. It really is that easy.

Now the process itself is simple. I will take you through it right now. Trust me it won't take long. Simply visit Trafficswarm and sign up. Once you have done this it will advise to change your homepage to your main Trafficswarm page. Why not? Where is the harm? You get credits for just opening your browser. If you want, keep your current homepage and just create another one. So every time you open your browser then you get credited.

Once you are in your own homepage then you have to start earning credits. This is really easy. I personally have bought credits to get me started but you don't have to. I just done it because it gets people to see your site faster. But if you're just starting out then you can just use the credits you earn to get people to your site. Now, to earn these credits you just click the surf for credits button and click on the sites that are listed. You can change your settings to only see the sites that are relevant to the areas you want to see such as Sports, News, Website Promotion etc. When you click on one of these sites then you earn credits. Now the amount of credits you earn is random and varies from site to site. The one drawback, if you can call it a drawback, is that you have to stay on that site for like 20 seconds. Whoopee doo.

If you are earning credits on Trafficswarm then it will take longer to get your site noticed so if you wanted to you could buy credits. However it isn't a must. Me, personally, I like exploring the free options first but when I did buy the credits eventually I noticed a hefty change in visitors to my page.

There is so much more on Trafficswarm that I don't want to divulge and spoil all the fun for when you get there. So visit now and start getting those much needed visitors to your sites or blog.

Get Free Energy - Cut Your Power Bills Now

I bet I know what you're thinking. Free energy? Yep I know its an unbelievable concept but think for a moment, the most abundant nuclear reactors cannot even come close to producing a micro percentage of the power that is given by the sun.

All that potential energy is going to waste. The reason for the waste, money. Greed. Big corporate companies not wanting to invest even a small amount in this because they know that once solar energy is harnessable (don't know if its a word but I'm going to use it anyway) then the profits they expect will disappear.

Visit this page and find out what one ex electrical engineer has stumbled upon and use his method to once and for all reduce and eventually extinguish power bills. He has found a way to use the energy from the sun to power his house.

Here is an introduction of the world of solar photovoltaics. Watch the video and it will a basic concept to which you combine this guy's work and hey presto you're on the way to reducing the power bills. Now isn't that a good thing?

So like I say visit this guy's site and start saving for tomorrow, today.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Lower Your Score Using These Simple Techniques - Part 3

Apologies for the delay in getting this out but weather has been atrocious and playing havoc with the broadband around here, but here it is. Part 3 of the invaluable tips from the legendary Jack Moorhouse which will have you shaving shots from your handicap in no time.

Without further ado here we go.

Ever wonder what’s the toughest shot in golf? Candidates abound. There’s the restricted swing, the controlled fade, and the feet inside/ball outside fairway bunker shot, as well as the ball in the rough on an upslope, the double breaking putt, and the traditional flop shot. Truth is, every one has his or her own set of tough shots. You may have covered them in golf lessons or read about them in golf tips, but you still can’t hit them. They intimidate you and add strokes to your golf handicap. Below are my candidates for the five toughest shots in golf. See if you agree.

Some players consider driver off the deck the toughest shot in golf. Many golfers never use this shot. The just read about it in golf tips. But in the right situation, it can help. The problem is your driver has the least amount of loft, so it’s hard getting the ball in the air. If you hit up on the ball, you’ll probably mis-hit. The only way to get the ball in the air is to cut the shot. Play the ball off your front heel and aim 15 yards left of your target (right for left-handers). Then swing across the ball, instead of down on it. Feel like you’re pulling your right hand toward you’re left hip on the way down.

The Plugged Bunker Lie

Other players consider the plugged bunker lie the toughest shot in golf. It’s certainly a candidate. Since you’re ball is buried in the sand, you can’t hit the typical sand blast you learned in golf lessons. There’s too much sand. Instead, come down hard into the impact zone. You should feel like you’re jamming the heel of the club into the bunker with the toe pointed at the sky. If you keep your hands low to the ground through impact, you’ll create an explosion big enough to unplug the ball and escape the bunker.

Then there’s the severe downslope from the rough. The hill’s slope moves the bottom of your swing arc back, making it easy to catch the ball fat or thin. The rough compounds any errors you make. Set your body level with the lie by tilting your torso to the left (right for left-handers) until your front shoulder sits lower than your back shoulder. Now swing. Don’t hang back to fight the pull of gravity. Doing that moves your swing arc back even farther and makes missing the ball a real possibility. This shot isn’t always addressed in golf instruction sessions, but it’s so tough maybe it should be.

One of Two Bunker Shots

For my money, the toughest shot in golf comes down to one of two shots. The bunker blast from a downhill lie is one. You have to hit the ball high to get it out of the bunker, which is difficult because the slope negates the club’s loft. The secret to hitting this shot is to take a wider stance than normal for balance and then align your shoulders with the slope. Now open your clubface and make your normal bunker swing. Don’t try to swing too hard or get under the ball too much. The ball will come out lower and with extra roll.

My other candidate for the toughest shot in golf is the feet outside, ball inside bunker shot. This is one tough shot, not only for weekend golfers but also for pro players. Almost anything can happen. Spread your feet wider than shoulder width and position the ball just inside your front foot. Also, bend your knees and rear end down more, so you can get down to the ball. Hinge your wrists quickly when you swing and keep your body quiet for balance. The steeper the slope the more the ball will go right (left for left-handers).

What matters here isn’t which shot is the toughest, but how you handle a tough shot. Don’t let it intimidate you. When it does, you tense up and forget the keys to hitting the shot correctly. Next time you face a tough shot, relax. Run through the keys you learned in golf lessons or read about in golf tips, and then swing away. And remember, you don’t always have to put the ball a foot from the cup. Be realistic with your expectations. You’ll conquer more tough shots that way and knock strokes off your golf handicap in the process.

Now there is one more part to this snippet of Jack's amazing info and I heighly recommend just even checking out his site here. What harm can it do? If you need help with your swing you can do a lot worse than visiting Jack Moorhouse's guide on How to Break 80.

Monday, 22 February 2010

This One Weird Trick Finally Melts The Fat Off!!!

Have a little read of this people. Personally I havent had any experience of it but it sounds too good to be true. I wont be buying it coz basicallyI dont need to lol, but my sister is. Hope it works coz she will kill me if it doesnt.

Anyways, take a little read and let me know what you think.

If you're like most of us, you've probably had trouble keeping the weight off lately... or from piling on as you've gotten older...
Could be that your excess 'baggage' is all over, or maybe just in certain areas like your belly - or maybe just your hips or thighs...
And like anything else you've been struggling with, you might suspect that there is something out there that could help that you just don't know about yet...
After all, you know that diets just don't work-and all that treadmill exercise is way too boring and takes
too much time-and any weight you do lose ends up right back on your body once you're forced to stop the crazy dieting and exercise routines!

Am I right?  I thought so...then I know you're going to be happy to hear more about this UNIQUE NEWS story I just finished reading:

The facts are, a formerly overweight Michigan couple LOST OVER 101 POUNDS of fat in just a few months by stumbling on this 1 weird trick that burns fat for 3 FULL DAYS from just 15 minutes...yeah, that's what I thought too, it DOES sound amazing!

You can even see their before and after pics on their website right here

But here are the other important facts from this unusual story you'll want to know about first:

1. They did it by enjoying delicious foods several times a day, EVERY DAY, never hungry a minute...
2. They DID NOT do one minute of 'cardio' exercise, but still lowered their resting heart rate and developed the near-boundless energy of a spry teenager...
3. In addition to the weight loss, he lost nearly 10 INCHES OF BELLY FAT, and she dropped 8 DRESS SIZES, going from a 12 to a 4...
4. They did this all while doing almost the EXACT OPPOSITE of what most fitness experts have been teaching us for years...

I don't have time to repost the full story in this newsletter, but you're probably already wondering about all
the other details...don't worry-you're going to learn everything you need to know (including the inspiring before and after pics) at Rob and Kalen's website, right here

Rob even shows you the 5 BIG MISTAKES you've probably been making trying to lose the weight, among all the tricky little details of their fascinating, life-changing discovery.

Lower Your Score Using These Simple Techniques - Part 2

Here it is folks, the latest installment of how to cut shots from your handicap. Obviously these won't work for everybody but they may help in other ways.

Try them out and see what happens.

You are reading this because you want to improvement your game. Why not take a few minutes to at least take in the advice.

When weekend golfers have a bad day, the cause is often found either in their set-up, their take away, or at the top of their swing. For example, weekend golfers often flex their knees too much when setting up to hit the ball. This can play havoc with your swing. Fixing set up flaws on-course can turn what could become a bad day into a not so bad day. The key is finding the flaw first, as I say in my golf instructions sessions. Once you’ve done that, you can then make the proper adjustments.

Below are the key checkpoints to review on bad days:

Shoulders And Hips

To increase the chance of a solid, on-line shot, you must set up with feet, knees, and shoulder parallel to the target line. It’s easy to allow the shoulders to rotate open at address when you’re having a bad day. Take one of your long irons from your bag and line up the shaft at a target, with the butt end positioned where you would normally place a ball. Align your body parallel to the club. If this position doesn’t feel right, then you may need to work on aim and alignment.


Posture errors are not only uncomfortable, they are disastrous to your swing. Check your posture to make sure you’re in a balanced and athletic position. Set up to the ball with your feet together and you legs straight. Tilt from your hips allowing your arms to hang naturally from your side, and set the club behind the ball. Next, set your feet apart (about 6 inches) and flex your knees slightly. You should feel balanced. Repeat the drill and make a few swings. Do the same but hit some balls. If you make solid contact this way, this is your drill for the day.

The Takeaway

On bad days there’s a good chance your backswing’s is a little too far inside, forcing an over-the-top, outside-in swing. That’s not good. To regain the sense of what a good take away feels like, set up with the butt of a long iron in your stomach and choke down on the shaft. While maintaining your spine tilt, turn your hips and swing the club back until it reaches about eight o’clock. From there hinge the wrists, so that the club points down the target line. Do this a few times, then hit some balls. If your ball striking improves, do a few of these stomach drills before each shot.

Top Of The Swing

If your swing feels out of control at the top, you may be reverse pivoting or losing control at the top. Neither flaw is good. The fix: Grab two irons and make some swings holding the club together. During these swings make sure your front shoulder turns behind the ball and over your back thigh. If this is hard to do, you may be sliding your hips instead of turning them. Next, assume your set up, take one of the clubs and place it across your chest, and make some mock backswing. If this feels odd, then your pivot was your problem. Continue making mock swings with your eye toward turning your left shoulder behind the ball.

No one wants to have a bad day on the course. But it happens. The key to overcoming bad days—and maintaining a low golf handicap—is determining what needs adjusting and then applying quick on-course fixes. Weekend golfers, as I’ve learned in my golf lessons, tend to form flaws in their postures and backswing a lot. These are the most logical places to start when finding and fixing flaws. If you still can’t get back on track after doing this, then play simple high percentage shots. Afterwards, seek out your teaching pro as soon as possible. He or she will help you correct your swing flaws with some quick golf tips.

Part 3 will be along on Wednesday but if you can't wait that long then check out this book for helping the shots fall from your handicap. Trust me, you wont look back. Click here for more

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Lower Your Score Using These Simple Techniques - Part 2

Coming on Monday 22nd Feb. Don't miss this as it will contain info on how to get the system I used to get my handicap down.

Alternatively you cant go straight there the now by clicking here.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Lower Your Score Using These Simple Techniques - Part 1

Here are a few tips I have learned using the amazing "How to Break 80" system. I obviously cant divulge them all but enjoy nonetheless. If you like what you read then visit here.

All golfers want to improve. Those serious about doing so take golf lessons from professionals or study golf tips offered in books, magazines, and newsletters, like mine. Usually, the golf lessons and golf tips focus on swing flaws. Refining your swing to eliminate flaws is a great way to improve ballstriking. Understanding how club design dictates the quality of impact is also a great way to improve ballstriking. In fact, it may be just as good, if not better than, working at eliminating swing flaws.

When we discuss club design, we usually talk clubhead size or shaft materials. These can affect your ballstriking and shot distance. But here we want to discuss a different aspect of club design. A club has three key design features:

* shaft lean toward target,
* significant lie (or shaft lean toward body),
* center of gravity

These features exist in every club, even your putter. They contain secrets on how to swing your drivers, wedges, and irons to improve your ballstriking, if we interpret them correctly. In other words, if we look at the features closely, we'll see how they dictate proper golf swing mechanics.

Shaft Lean Toward Target

Shaft lean is the first, and possibly the most important, club design feature to consider. If you sole a club properly in your normal address position, you'll see that the club sits on an angle where the handle leans slightly toward the target. The angle is important. It represents the angle at which the club must be delivered to the ball at impact to create optimal pressure. This pressure compresses a ball to a portion of its original size when hit, just like a racquet does with a tennis ball does when it's hit or a wall does when rubber is thrown against it.

Effective ball compression causes the ball to spring off a clubface at maximum velocity. The only way to effectively compress the golf ball-and produce crisp, clean shots-is to deliver a forward leaning shaft at impact, whether you're swinging a driver, iron, or wedge. This leads to maximum distance. A backward leaning shaft, on the other hand, doesn't achieve maximum distance because it lacks the pressure needed to compress the ball enough to maximize impact.

Using A Backward Leaning Shaft

Most golfers present a backward leaning shaft at impact, where the club's handle leans away from the target instead of toward it. A backward leaning shaft reduces the compression being delivered to the ball, leading to poor contact, poor direction, and a serious loss of distance. But you can learn to deliver a forward-leaning shaft with few simple chipping and pitching drills:

Begin by using a sand wedge. Place the ball well back in your stance to play a chip shot. The shaft should lean forward so that the handle is positioned in front of the clubhead, with your hands in front of your left pant pleat. Using your arms and shoulders only, swing the club back and through. Make sure you lead the handle of the club through the impact area. Hold the finish. The shaft should line up with your left arm and the ball should pop in the air. You've just hit a chip.

Next, widen your stance. Place the ball in the center of your feet. Make the same swing as before, but add some wrist hinge on your backswing. This will carry the ball a little further. Make sure to lead with the handle through impact as before. Continue to the same follow through position as the chip. You've just hit a pitch and run.

Keep Impact Attitude in Mind

Finally, hit some shots with your full swing, while keeping the same "impact attitude" in mind, as you have for the previous shots. You should notice a big difference in the quality of contact you get from this swing.

Forward-shaft lean is one of three key club design features. These features point the way to efficient swings when examined closely. Forward-shaft lean encourages you to swing the ball with a forward-leaning shaft at impact just like you're taught in golf instruction sessions and like how the clubmakers designed the club to be swung. If you want improved ballstriking, you must strike the ball with the impact attitude designed into the club. If you do, you'll hit longer, straighter shots that will help take strokes off your golf handicap.

End of Part One - Sponsored by my Good Friend Jack Moorhouse
Visit his page here and drop your score today